Actualités et séminaires

  • 18 Oct Séminaire

    My main aim during my sabbatical is to build a bridge between groundwater science and society as well as politics. Climate and global change put enormous pressure on our water resources for drinking water production, water dependent ecosystems, irrigation and industrial use. Even in water-rich Switzerland, where 80% of the drinking water production is covered by groundwater, water managers nationwide think about artificially recharging aquifers to cover the growing demand of water and to adapt to climate change.

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  • 19 Sep Actualité

    Titre : De l’exposition aux contaminants à l’évaluation des effets chez la Cistude d’Europe (Emys orbicularis) : le cas des pesticides et des éléments traces métalliques

    La soutenance se déroulera le jeudi 19 septembre 2024 à 13h30h,  sur le site Jussieu Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne Université, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris).
    La salle sera précisée ultérieurement.

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  • 11 Sep Séminaire

    How we live with water is a result of technology, lifestyles and values at a specific point in time. The heritage we value and its role for living with water today and in the future can change over time. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics stands exemplary: it activated concepts of the past for a rethinking of the Seine as swimmable river and heart of the city.

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  • 28 Jun Séminaire

    Extensive use of antibiotics globally and their residues in the environment have increasingly become a growing concern. The livestock sector in Kenya plays an important role in supporting livelihoods of a significant part of the population and is key to attaining food and nutrition security in the country. Growing demand for livestock products has necessitated an increase in the uptake of large-scale animal rearing and increased use of veterinary drugs.

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  • 27 Jun Actualité

    Anne Jost présentera son HDR [habilitation à diriger des recherches] le jeudi 27 juin 2024.
    Titre : "Réponse des systèmes aquifères aux changements environnementaux : du bassin versant au globe"

    Composition du jury :
    Olivier Bour, Université de Rennes
    Pascal Goderniaux, Université de Mons
    Patrick Lachassagne, IRD
    Christelle Marlin, Université Paris-Saclay
    David Labat, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
    Valérie Plagnes, Sorbonne Université

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