A Value Case Approach for Water and Heritage through the lens of Paris and the Ile de France


How we live with water is a result of technology, lifestyles and values at a specific point in time. The heritage we value and its role for living with water today and in the future can change over time. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics stands exemplary: it activated concepts of the past for a rethinking of the Seine as swimmable river and heart of the city. This lecture uses a value case approach to explore the deep history of natural water systems that support Paris and its supporting region—the Seine River and its tributaries—the multiple layers of cultural interventions for and with water—shipping, water for drinking, sewage, leisure, etc.--, and the practices of living with water—agricultural, shipping, rituals, etc.—to map the spatial, social and cultural water-based relations between Paris and its surroundings. Connecting the extensive and diverse research on Parisian water systems—natural, cultural and its intangible practices—with relevant partners in Paris and the Ile de France, holds the potential of (re)launching a much-needed debate on water systems design. Exploring natural and cultural heritage as well as intangible practices can help build new narratives for the Seine basin, not only as related to Paris, but also in connection to the whole watershed as the needs of the metropolis not always align with those of the territory. This lecture proposes the value case approach and invites Parisian stakeholders

Carola Hein
TU Delft
Salle Darcy, couloir 46-56, 3e etage + https://zoom.us/j/93209746591
Mercredi, 11 septembre, 2024 - 13:00