Pyrogenic matter dynamics in the terrestrial ecosystems: stocks, decomposition, stabilisation and transfer.


Pyrogenic organic matter is the result of the incomplete combution of biomass by wildfire or industrial processes (Biochar). This organic material is ubiquious in the ecosystems and more persistent than most of the other organic components, because of its chemical and physical properties. I will present you some of my group work on the processes specific to this material, in terrestrial ecosystems and the link with aquatic systems. I will show you results from manipulative experiments, field observations and literature analysis where we look at the amount of pyrogenic carbon in the environment, its degradation in boreal, temperate and tropical ecosystems, and its transfer by lixiviation and erosion.

Samuel Abiven
ENS, Dpt Géosciences
Vendredi, 4 décembre, 2020 - 13:00