Nicolas Le Moine

Assistant Professor in Hydrology

Université Pierre et Marie Curie / Paris 6
UMR 7619 Metis
Tour 56 Couloir 56-55, 4ème étage
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05

Tél . : 01 44 27 63 26
Fax  : 01 44 27 45 88
E-mail : nicolas.le_moine (at)


Peer-reviewed journals

  •  Rouhier, L., M. Le Lay, F. Garavaglia, N. Le Moine, F. Hendrickx, C. Monteil, and P. Ribstein (2017), Impact of mesoscale spatial variability of climatic inputs and parameters on the hydrological response, J. Hydrol., 53, pp.13-25, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.07.037

  •  Riboust, P., G. Thirel, N. Le Moine, and P. Ribstein (2017), Revisiting a simple degree-day model for integrating satellite data: implementation of SWE-SCA hystereses, Journal of Hydrology and Hydrodynamics, accepted.

  •  Andréassian, V., L. Coron, J. Lerat, and N. Le Moine (2016), Climate elasticity of streamflow revisited -- an elasticity index based on long-term hydrometeorological records, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 20, 4503-4524, doi:10.5194/hess-20-4503-2016

  •  Le Moine, N., and P.-S. Gsell (2015), A graph-based approach to glacier flowline extraction: an application to glaciers in Switzerland, Comput. Geosci., 85 (A), 91-101, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2015.09.010

  •  Le Moine, N., F. Hendrickx, J. Gailhard, R. Garçon, and F. Gottardi (2015), Hydrologically-aided interpolation (HAI) of daily precipitation and temperature fields in a meso-scale Alpine catchment, J. Hydrometeor., 16, 2595-2618, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-14-0162.1

  •  Coron, L., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and N. Le Moine (2015), Graphical tools based on Turc-Budyko plots to detect changes in catchment behaviour, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60 (7-8), doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.964245

  •  Gsell, P.-S., N. Le Moine, R. Moussa, and P. Ribstein (2015), Identifying the probabilistic structure of drained areas as a function of hypsometry in river networks, Hydrol. Process., 29 (7), 1729-1745, doi:10.1002/hyp.10296

  •  Magand, C., A. Ducharne, N. Le Moine, and S. Gascoin (2014), Introducing Hysteresis in Snow Depletion Curves to Improve the Water Budget of a Land Surface Model in an Alpine Catchment, J. Hydrometeor., 15, 631-649, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-13-091.1

  •  Rothfuss, Y., I. Braud, N. Le Moine, P. Biron, J.-L. Durand, M. Vauclin, and T. Bariac (2012), Factors controlling the isotopic partitioning between soil evaporation and plant transpiration: Assessment using a multi-objective calibration of SiSPAT-Isotope under controlled conditions, J. Hydrol., 442, pp.75-88, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.03.041

  •  Pushpalatha, R., C. Perrin, N. Le Moine, and V. Andréassian (2012), A review of efficiency criteria suitable for evaluating low-flow simulations, J. Hydrol., 420-421, pp.171-182, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.055

  •  Andréassian, V., J. Lerat, N. Le Moine, and C. Perrin (2012), Neighbors: Nature's own hydrological models, J. Hydrol., 414-415, pp.49-58, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.10.007

  •  Pushpalatha, R., C. Perrin, N. Le Moine, T. Mathevet, and V. Andréassian (2011), A downward structural sensitivity analysis of hydrological models to improve low-flow simulation, J. Hydrol., 411 (1-2), pp.66-76, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.09.034

  •  Andréassian, V., C. Perrin, L. Berthet, N. Le Moine, J. Lerat, C. Loumagne, L. Oudin, T. Mathevet, M.-H. Ramos, and A. Valéry (2009), Crash tests for a standardized evaluation of hydrological models, HESS Opinions, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 6, 3669-3685, doi:10.5194/hessd-6-3669-2009

  •  Perrin C., V. Andréassian, C. Rojas Serna, T. Mathevet, and N. Le Moine (2008), Discrete parameterization of hydrological models: Evaluating the use of parameter sets libraries over 900 catchments, Water Resour. Res., 44, W08447, doi:10.1029/2007WR006579

  •  Le Moine, N., V. Andréassian, and T. Mathevet (2008), Confronting surface- and groundwater balances on the La Rochefoucauld-Touvre karstic system (Charente, France), Water Resour. Res., 44, W03403, doi:10.1029/2007WR005984

  •  Oudin, L., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, C. Michel, and N. Le Moine (2008), Spatial proximity, physical similarity, regression and ungaged catchments: A comparison of regionalization approaches based on 913 French catchments, Water Resour. Res., 44, W03413, doi:10.1029/2007WR006240

  •  Le Moine, N., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and C. Michel (2007), How can rainfall-runoff models handle intercatchment groundwater flows? Theoretical study based on 1040 French catchments, Water Resour. Res., 43, W06428, doi:10.1029/2006WR005608

Conferences proceedings

  •  Le Moine, N., F. Hendrickx, and J. Gailhard (2013), Rainfall–runoff modelling as a tool for constraining the reanalysis of daily precipitation and temperature fields in mountainous regions, in Cold and Mountain Region Hydrological Systems Under Climate Change: Towards Improved Projections (Proceedings of H02, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013), IAHS Publ. 360 [pdf]

  •  Bourqui, M., F. Hendrickx, and N. Le Moine (2011), Long-term forecasting of flow and water temperature for cooling systems: case study of the Rhone River, France, in Water Quality: Current Trends and Expected Climate Change Impacts (Proceedings of symposium H04 at IUGG2011, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011), IAHS Publ. 348, 135-142.

  •  Le Moine, N., V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, and C. Michel (2007), "Outlier" catchments: what can we learn from them in terms of prediction uncertainty in rainfall-runoff modelling ?, in Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management (Proceedings of symposium HS2004 at IUGG2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007), IAHS Publ. 313, 195-203.

  •  Le Moine, N., V. Andréassian, C. Michel, and C. Perrin (2005), How To Account For Groundwater Exchanges In Rainfall-Runoff Models? In Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M. (eds) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Melbourne, Australia, December 2005, p. 2932-2938.

Oral communications and posters

  •  Le Moine, N., F. Hendrickx, and J. Gailhard (2013), Hydrologically-constrained estimation of daily rainfall and temperature fields in a meso-scale Alpine catchment, AGU Fall Meeting, C41B, Advances in Monitoring, Measuring, and Modeling of Snow, Snow-Vegetation and Avalanche Processes I Poster, San Francisco, Dec. 2013 (poster)

  •  Le Moine, N., and L. Oudin (2013), Dynamic averaging of rainfall-runoff model simulations within non-stationary climate conditions, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Hw15 Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013.

  •  Le Moine, N., F. Hendrickx, and J. Gailhard (2013), Assimilation of streamow data for constraining meteorological reanalyses in mountain environment, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, H02 Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013 [slides, 3 Mo]

  •  Le Moine, N., F. Hendrickx, et M. Bourqui (2009), Impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources et les usages de l'eau sur le bassin versant du Rhône, De Gletsch à Arles : les ressources en eau et la gestion du Rhône, Journées de l'Environnement de l'ISE, Université de Genêve, Septembre 2009 (oral communication).

  •  Perret, C., P. Bernard, B. Desaint, J. Gailhard, R. Garçon, A. Poirel, F. Hendrickx, M. Bourqui, et N. Le Moine (2009), Les prévisions de températures de l'eau: l'expérience d'EDF adaptée aux contraintes opérationnelles et aux projections de long terme, Colloque Etiages, sécheresses et canicules rares et leurs impacts sur les usages de l'eau, SHF, Lyon, Octobre 2009 (oral communication).

  •  Le Moine, N., and V. Andréassian (2008), Hydrological outliers: when monstrosity stems from a bad initialization of rainfall-runoff models, The Court of Miracles of Hydrology, ENGREF, Paris, Juin 2008 (poster).

  •  Le Moine, N., and V. Andréassian (2007), Closing the catchment-scale water balance: a case study, IUGG General Assembly, HS1002, Perugia, Italy, July 2007 (oral communication).

  •  Le Moine, N., and V. Andréassian (2006), Forecasting the flow of the Touvre karstic spring by integration of a rainfall-runoff model and a karstic aquifer model, Darcy International symposium, Dijon, Mai 2006 (poster).