Archeology, soils, geochemistry - how it works together


The lecture is presented mainly from the point of view of Archaeology. The soils are one of the basic and most profound things within a grasp of Archaeology. In most usual way they are perceived in research just as a background external condition of the life in the past, which with the other like water ne tor climate composed the stage for plays of past cultures.

But the soils are many more. They are at first an environment, in which the archaeological objects and monuments are stored. The soils are also an environmental factor influencing the past cultures, but also a result of their activity, created by humans. The lecture will briefly describe these topics. Main part of the lecture will be focused on soils as archives of information about the past peoples activities and behaviour. There are many methods how to read such informations, specific view will be dedicated to geochemical aspects and mapping of elements concentrations.

Jan Horak
Salle Darcy
Jeudi, 6 février, 2020 - 13:45