Actualités et séminaires

  • 21 Oct Actualité

    Titre : De la production spécifique à l'homogénéisation des matières organiques dissoutes issues de végétaux

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  • 21 Oct Séminaire

    Effective assessment of the fate of water-soluble contaminants leaked to aquifers is crucial for the management and preservation of groundwater resources. Contaminant solute transport unfolds over multiple spatial and temporal scales and is, thus, very challenging to characterize using conventional sparsely-sampled and local hydrological measurement techniques alone. Complementarily, the time-lapse direct-current (DC) geophysical method provides spatially and temporally-distributed information on equivalent DC electrical conductivity, the latter being sensitive to the transport of electrica

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  • 14 Oct Séminaire

    Dissolution and precipitation processes modify the structure of the
    porous media at microscale which significantly affects the macroscopic
    properties of the media. These variations in the pore geometry result
    in changes in the hydraulic properties that control the groundwater
    flow and also in the electrokinetic properties associated to the
    displacement of electrical charges carried by the flow. Therefore the
    evolution of the streaming potential during dissolution and
    precipitation can be estimated from the changes in the electrokinetic

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  • 06 Oct Séminaire

    La pollution plastique du milieu marin est un enjeu mondial sur le plan environnemental, sanitaire et socio-économique. En Polynésie française, une source spécifique de déchets plastiques est associée à la perliculture dont les structures d’élevage s’accumulent dans les lagons depuis plus de 40 ans. Ce gisement de plastique est susceptible de se dégrader sous la forme de micro- et nanoplastiques (MNP, < 5 mm) dont la contamination ubiquitaire à l’échelle mondiale suscite une grande préoccupation à cause des risques qu’elle représente pour les organismes et les écosystèmes marins.

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  • 23 Sep Séminaire

    For the most effective analytical strategies, development and validation include optimization of analytical parameters such as resolution, sensitivity, cost, or speed. Nevertheless, other aspects concerning operator safety and environmental impacts are usually not considered at the same level in academic laboratories. Thus, an absurd situation emerged, due to the side effects of analytical methods that generate a large amount of chemical waste and lead to strong negative environmental impacts.

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