Actualités et séminaires

  • 28 Sep Séminaire

    Groundwater provides an important buffer to climate variability in Africa. Yet groundwater irrigation contributes only approximately 1% of the cultivated land as compared to 14 % in Asia. As opposed to previous country-based estimates, this study derives a continent-wide, distributed (0.5 degree resolution) map of groundwater irrigation potential, indicated in terms of fractions of cropland potentially irrigable with renewable groundwater.

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  • 25 Sep Séminaire

    Le SIG (Système d'Information Géographique) est devenu ces dernières années un outil indispensable aux chercheurs de l'UMR METIS.

    Ce séminaire vous présentera les différentes facettes des BDDs de SIG et de cartographie, et les différents canaux d’information mis à disposition des personnels de l’UMR pour s’informer sur les bases de données SIG. Il sera l’occasion de répondre aux cinq questions suivantes :

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  • 22 Sep Actualité

    Acoustic waves in porous media

    Numerical study of wave propagation in porous media with one or many mineral components. Applications to real Fontainebleau and STATOIL samples.  

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  • 11 Sep Séminaire

    Investigation of soil organic matter (SOM) constitutes an important and pressing challenge due to its value as a resource, its role in the carbon cycle and increasing pressures that soils are experiencing. Particular concerns exist regarding how the large pool of OM that is currently stabilized in soils will respond to the influence of climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressures.

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  • 03 Jul Séminaire

    Nitrification is a key process of the nitrogen cycle on earth. It contributes to the mineralization of organic nitrogen by allowing the transformation of ammonia into nitrites. Two groups of microorganisms are responsible for the rate-limiting first step of ammonia oxidation : ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), which all belong to the phylum Thaumarchaeota.

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