Liste des publications
(les noms soulignés correspondent à des étudiant-e-s encadré-e-s)
Articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
- Rembert F., Fernandez N.M., Luquot L., Guérin R., Jougnot D., 2025. Investigating solute transport and reaction using a mechanistically coupled geochemical and geophysical modeling approach. Advances in Water Resources, 196, 104879.
- Tabbagh A., Souffaché B., Jougnot D., Maineult A., Rejiba F., Adler P.M., Schamper C., Thiesson J., Finco C., Mendieta-Tenorio A., Rembert F., Guérin R., Camerlynck C., 2024. Experimental and numerical analysis of dielectric polarization effects in near surface earth materials in the [100 Hz – 10 MHz] frequency range: first interpretation paths. Near Surface Geophysics, 22 (4), 468-481.
- Vella M.-A., Bièvre G., Delaere C., Thiesson J., Guérin R., Rivera-Casanovas C., Guédron S., 2024. The hydraulic network of the pre-Hispanic city of Tiwanaku (Bolivia): New insights from the integration of canal morphology, hydrogeological and palaeoenvironmental data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 324, 108475.
- Loiseau B., Carrière S.D., Jougnot D., Singha K., Mary B., Delpierre N., Guérin R., Martin-StPaul N.K., 2023. The geophysical toolbox applied to forest ecosystems – A review. Science of the Total Environment, 899, 165503.
- Dumont M., Plagnes V., Lachassagne P., Guérin R., Nugraha B., Mohamad F., Oudin L., Fadillah A., Valdès D., Brocard G., Bonjour J.-L., Saadi M., Esneu A.-S., Muhammad A., Hendarmawan, Dörfliger N., 2023. Water cycle modelling strengthened by probabilistic integration of field data for groundwater management of a quite unknown tropical volcanic hydrosystem. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 355 (S1).
- Iravani M.A., Davarzani H., Deparis J., Colombano S., Philippe N., Oniangue B., Guérin R., Maineult A., 2023. Experimental study of electrical complex resistivity in a 2D multiphase porous medium under non-isothermal conditions: application to soil remediation monitoring. Near Surface Geophysics, 21 (1), 65-81.
- Valdes D., Chen N., Dumont M., Marlin C., Blanchoud H., Guérin R., Guillemoto J., Alliot F., Nespoulet R., Aubry E., Rouelle M., Fauchard C., Gombert P., Ribstein P., 2022. Transfer of water and contaminants in the Chalk unsaturated zone – Underground quarry of Saint-Martin-le-Nœud. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 517 (1): The Chalk aquifers of Northern Europe, accepté.
- Rembert F., Jougnot D., Luquot L., Guérin R., 2022. Interpreting self-potential signal during reactive transport: application to calcite dissolution and precipitation. Water, 14 (10), 1632.
- Dangeard M., Rivière A., Bodet L., Schneider S., Guérin R., Jougnot D., Maineult A., 2021. River corridor model constrained by time-lapse seismic acquisition. Water Resources Research, 57 (10), e2020WR028911.
- Sabor K., Jougnot D., Guérin R., Steck B., Henault J.M., Apffel L., Vautrin D., 2021. A data mining approach for improved interpretation of ERT inverted sections using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Geophysical Journal International, 225, 1304-1318.
- Iravani M.A., Deparis J., Davarzani H., Colombano S., Guérin R., Maineult A., 2020. Complex electrical resistivity and dielectric permittivity responses to dense non-aqueous phase liquids’ imbibition and drainage in porous media: a laboratory study. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 25 (4), 557-567.
- Iravani M.A., Deparis J., Davarzani H., Colombano S., Guérin R., Maineult A., 2020. The influence of temperature on the dielectric permittivity and complex electrical resistivity of porous media saturated with DNAPLs: a laboratory study. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 172, 103921.
- Calvacante Fraga L.H., Schamper C., Noël C., Guérin R., Rejiba F., 2019. Geometrical characterization of urban fill by integrating the multi-receiver electromagnetic induction method and electrical resistivity tomography: A case study in Poitiers, France. European Journal of Soil Science, 70 (5), 1012-1024.
- Vella M.-A., Ernenwein E.G., Janusek J.W., Koons M., Thiesson J., Sanchez C., Guérin R., Camerlynck C., 2019. New insights into prehispanic urban organization at Tiwanaku (NE Bolivia): cross combined approach of photogrammetry, magnetic surveys and previous archaeological excavations. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, 467-477.
- Chen N., Valdès D., Marlin C., Blanchoud H., Guérin R., Rouelle M., Ribstein M., 2019. Water, nitrate and atrazine transfer through the unsaturated zone of the Chalk aquifer in northern France. Science of the Total Environment, 652, 927-938.
- Dangeard M., Bodet L., Pasquet S., Thiesson J., Guérin R., Jougnot D., Longuevergne L., 2018. Estimating picking errors in near-surface seismic data to enable their time-lapse interpretation on hydrosystems. Near Surface Geophysics, 16 (6), 613-625.
- Relats Montserrat F., Thiesson J., Barahona Mendieta Z., Sanchez C., Réjiba F., Guérin R., 2017. Une première campagne de prospection à Médamoud : méthodologie et résultats préliminaires (Mission Ifao/Paris-Sorbonne/Labex Resmed de Médamoud). Bulletin de l´Institut Français d´Archéologie Orientale (BIFAO), 116, 325-384.
- Tabbagh A., Cheviron B., Hénine H., Guérin R., Bechkit M.A., 2017. Numerical determination of vertical water flux based on soil temperature profiles. Advances in Water Resources, 105, 217-226.
- Bermejo L., Ortega A.I., Guérin R., Benito-Calvo A., Pérez-González A., Parés J.M., Aracil E., Bermúdez de Castro J.M., Carbonell E., 2017. 2D and 3D ERT imaging for identifying karstic morphologies in the archaeological sites of Gran Dolina and Galería Complex (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). Quaternary International, 433, 393-401.
- Soro D.D., Koita M., Biaou C.A., Outoumbe E., Vouillamoz J.M., Yacouba H., Guérin R., 2017. Geophysical demonstration of the absence of correlation between lineaments and hydrogeologically usefull fractures: case study of the Sanon hard rock aquifer (central northern Burkina Faso). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 129, 842-852.
- Pasquet S., Bodet L., Bergamo P., Guérin R., Martin R., Mourgues R., Tournat V., 2016. Small-scale seismic monitoring of varying water levels in granular media. Vadose Zone Journal, 15, 14-44.
- Valois R., Galibert P.Y., Guérin R., Plagnes V., 2016. Combined time-lapse seismic refraction and electrical resistivity tomographies to understand infiltration and dissolution processes in the epikarst of the Causse du Larzac (France). Near Surface Geophysics, 14 (1), 13-33.
- Pasquet S., Bodet L., Longuevergne L., Dhemaied A., Camerlynck C., Rejiba F., Guérin R., 2015. 2D characterization of near-surface VP/VS: surface-wave dispersion inversion versus refraction tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 13 (4), 315-331.
- Pasquet S., Bodet L., Dhemaied A., Mouhri A., Vitale Q., Rejiba F., Flipo N., Guérin R., 2015. Detecting different water table levels in a shallow aquifer with combined P-, surface and SH-wave surveys: insights from VP/VS or Poisson’s ratios. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 38-50.
- Barhoum S., Valdès D., Guérin R., Marlin C., Vitale Q., Benmamar J., Gombert P., 2014. Spatial heterogeneity at high-resolution Chalk groundwater geochemistry – Underground quarry at Saint Martin-le-Noeud, France. Journal of Hydrology, 519 (part A), 756-768.
- Razafindratsima S., Guérin R., Bendjoudi H., de Marsily G., 2014. Hydrogeological modeling constraints provided by geophysical and geochemical mapping of a chlorinated ethenes plume. Hydrogeology Journal, 22 (6), 1433-1446.
- Bechkit M.A., Flageul S., Guérin R., Tabbagh A., 2014. Monitoring soil water content by vertical temperature variations. Groundwater, 52 (4), 566-572.
- Séger M., Guérin R., Frison A., Bourennane H., Richard G., Cousin I., 2014. A 3D electrical resistivity tomography survey to characterise the structure of a albeluvic tonguing horizon composed of disctinct elementary pedological volumes. Geoderma, 219-220, 168-176.
- Galibert P.Y., Valois R., Mendes M., Guérin R., 2014. Seismic study of the low-permeability volume in southern France karst systems. Geophysics, 79 (1), EN1-EN13.
- Grandjean G., Guérin R., 2013. Caractérisation physique des sols par méthodes géophysiques et télédétection : bilan et perspectives. Etude et Gestion des Sols, 20 (2), 71-79.
- El Bakay M., Kchikach A., Abdelghaffar A., Guérin R., Hakkou R., Bouzahzah H., 2012. Damage to foundations from swelling soil in Smara (Morocco): geotechnical data and mitigation measures. Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, 2 (2), 51-67.
- Schamper C., Rejiba F., Guérin R., 2012. 1D single site and laterally constrained inversion of multi-frequency and multi-component ground-based electromagnetic induction data - Application to the definition of a near-surface clayey overburden. Geophysics, 77 (4): WB19–WB35.
- Lghoul M., Teixidó T., Peña J.A., Hakkou R., Kchikach A., Guérin R., Jaffal M., Zouhri L., 2012. Electrical and seismic tomography used to image the structure of a tailings pond at the abandoned Kettara mine, Morocco. Mine Water and the Environment, 31 (1), 53-61.
- Lghoul M., Kchikach A., Hakkou R., Zouhri L., Guérin R., Bendjoudi H., Teixidó T., Peña J.A., Carmona L.E., Jaffal M., Hanich L., 2012. Etude géophysique et hydrogéologique du site minier abandonné de Kettara (région de Marrakech, Maroc) : contribution au projet de réhabilitation. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (2), 370-381.
- El Assel N., Kchikach A., Teixidó T., Peña J.A., Jaffal M., Guérin R., Lutz P., Jourani E.S., Amaghzaz M., 2011. A Ground Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Tomography prospection for detecting sterile bodies in the phosphatic bearing of Sidi Chennane (Morocco). International Journal of Geosciences, 2 (4), 406-413.
- Vaudelet P., Schmutz M., Pessel M., Franceschi M., Guérin R., Atteia O., Blondel A., Ngomseu C., Galaup S., Rejiba F., Bégassat P., 2011. Mapping of contaminant plumes with geoelectrical methods. A case study in urban context. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 75 (4), 738-751.
- Chalikakis K., Plagnes V., Guérin R., Valois R., Bosch F., 2011. Contribution of geophysical methods to karst-system exploration: an overview. Hydrogeology Journal, 19 (6), 1169-1180.
- Valois R., Camerlynck C., Dhemaied A., Guérin R., Hovhannissian G., Plagnes V., Rejiba F., Robain H., 2011. Assessment of dolines geometry using geophysics on the Quercy plateau karst (South France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36 (9), 1183-1192.
- Dhemaied A., Rejiba F., Camerlynck C., Bodet L., Guérin R., 2011. Seismic-wave propagation modeling in viscoelastic media using the Auxiliary Differential Equation method. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 101 (1), 413-420.
- Rejiba F., Sagnard F., Schamper C., Froumentin M., Guérin R., 2011. Zero offset profiling using frequency cross-hole radars in a layered embankment test site: antenna design, simulation and experimental results. Near Surface Geophysics, 9 (1), 67-76.
- Auken E., Guérin R., de Marsily G., Sailhac P., 2010. Comment on “Review of self-potential methods in hydrogeophysics” by L. Jouniaux et al. [C. R. Geoscience 341 (2009) 928–936]. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342 (10), 806.
- Valois R., Bermejo L., Guérin R., Hinguant S., Pigeaud R., Rodet J., 2010. Karstic morphologies identified with geophysics around Saulges caves (Mayenne, France). Archaeological Prospection, 17, 151-160.
- Guérin R., Baltassat J.M., Boucher M., Chalikakis K., Galibert P.Y., Girard J.F., Plagnes V., Valois R., 2009. Geophysical characterisation of karstic networks - Application to the Ouysse system (Poumeyssen, France). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341 (10-11), 810-817.
- Tabbagh A., Guérin R., Bendjoudi H., Cheviron B., Bechkit M.A., 2009. Pluri-annual recharge assessment using vertical soil temperature profiles: example of the Seine river basin (1984-2001). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341 (10-11), 949-956.
- Auken E., Guérin R., de Marsily G., Sailhac P., 2009. Hydrogeophysics. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 341 (10-11), 795-799.
- Cosenza P., Ghorbani A., Camerlynck C., Rejiba F., Guérin R., Tabbagh A., 2009. Effective medium theories for modelling the relationships between electromagnetic properties and hydrological variables in geomaterials: a review. Near Surface Geophysics, 7 (5-6), 563-578.
- Schmutz M., Guérin R., Andrieux P., Maquaire O., 2009. Determination of the 3D structure of an earthflow by geophysical methods. The case of Super Sauze, in the French southern Alps. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68 (4), 500-507.
- Ferahtia J., Djarfour N., Baddari K., Guérin R., 2009. Application of signal dependent rank-order mean filter to the removal of noise spikes from 2D electrical resistivity imaging data. Near Surface Geophysics, 7 (3), 159-169.
- Tabbagh A., Cosenza P., Ghorbani A., Guérin R., Florsch N., 2009. Modelling of Maxwell-Wagner induced polarisation amplitude for clayey materials. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 67 (2), 109-113.
- Grellier S., Guérin R., Robain H., Bobachev A., Vermeersch F., Tabbagh A., 2008. Monitoring of leachate recirculation in a bioreactor landfill by 2D electrical resistivity imaging. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 13 (4), 351-359.
- Imhoff P.T., Reinhart D.R., Englund M., Guérin R., Gawande N., Han B., Jonnalagadda S., Townsend T.G., Yazdani R., 2007. Methods for measuring liquid in bioreactor landfills – a critical review. Waste Management, 27 (6), 729-745.
- Hinschberger F., Fourmont A., Macaire J.J., Bréhéret J.G., Guérin R., Bakyono J.P., 2006. Contribution of geophysical surveys to the study of fine grained lacustrine sediments. Application to the Sarliève marsh (Massif Central, France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 177 (6), 311-322.
- Mojica A., Acosta L., Guérin R., Ho C.A., Caballero O., 2006. Geophysical investigations in the Old Panama archaeological site. Revista Geológica de América Central, 34-35, 131-138.
- Durand V., Deffontaines B., Léonardi V., Guérin R., Wyns R., de Marsily G., Bonjour J.L., 2006. A multidisciplinary approach to determine the structural geometry of hard-rock aquifers. Application to the Plancoet migmatitic basin (NE Brittany, W France). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 177 (5), 227-236.
- Cheviron B., Guérin R., Tabbagh A., Bendjoudi H., 2005. Determining long-term effective groundwater recharge by analysing vertical soil temperature profiles at meteorological stations. Water Resources Research, 41 (9), W09501.
- Bendjoudi H., Cheviron B., Guérin R., Tabbagh A., 2005. Determination of upward/downward groundwater fluxes using transient variations of soil profile temperature: test of the method with Voyons (Aube, France) experimental data. Hydrological Processes, 19 (18), 3735-3745.
- Guérin R., 2005. Borehole and surface-based hydrogeophysics. Hydrogeology Journal, 13 (1), 251-254.
- Guérin R., Munoz M.L., Aran C., Laperrelle C., Hidra M., Drouart E., Grellier S., 2004. Leachate recirculation: moisture content assessment by means of a geophysical technique. Waste Management, 24 (8), 785-794.
- Samouëlian A., Richard G., Cousin I., Guérin R., Bruand A., Tabbagh A., 2004. Three-dimensional crack monitoring by electrical resistivity measurement. European Journal of Soil Science, 55, 751-762.
- Guérin R., Bégassat P., Benderitter Y., David J., Tabbagh A., Thiry M., 2004. Geophysical study of the industrial waste land in Mortagne-du-Nord (France) using electrical resistivity. Near Surface Geophysics, 2 (3), 137-143.
- Cosenza P., Guérin R., Tabbagh A., 2003. Relationship between thermal conductivity and water content of soils using numerical modelling. European Journal of Soil Science, 54, 581-587.
- Tabbagh A., Panissod C., Guérin R., Cosenza P., 2002. Numerical modeling of the role of water and clay content in soils and rocks bulk electrical conductivity. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 107 (B11), 2318.
- Al-Fares W., Bakalowicz M., Guérin R., Dukhan M., 2002. Analysis of the karst aquifer by means of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) - example of the Lamalou area (Hérault, France). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 51 (2-4), 97-106.
- Guérin R., Panissod C., Thiry M., Benderitter Y., Tabbagh A., Huet-Taillanter S., 2002. La friche industrielle de Mortagne-du-Nord (59) - III - Approche méthodologique d’étude géophysique non-destructive des sites pollués par des eaux fortement minéralisées. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 173 (5), 471-477.
- Bendjoudi H., Weng P., Guérin R., Pastre J.F., 2002. Riparian wetlands of the middle reach of the Seine River (France): historical development, investigation and present hydrologic functioning, a case study. Journal of Hydrology, 263, 131-155.
- Ramirez E., Francou B., Ribstein P., Descloitres M., Guérin R., Mendoza J., Gallaire R., Pouyaud B., Jordan E., 2001. Small glaciers disappearing in the tropical Andes: a case study in Bolivia: Glaciar Chacaltaya (16S). Journal of Glaciology, 47 (157), 187-194.
- Guérin R., Descloitres M., Coudrain A., Talbi A., Gallaire R., 2001. Geophysical surveys for identifying saline groundwater in the semi-arid region of the central Altiplano, Bolivia. Hydrological Processes, 15 (17), 3287-3301.
- Schmutz M., Albouy Y., Guérin R., Maquaire O., Vassal J., Schott J.J., Descloitres M., 2000. Joint inversion applied to the Super Sauze earthflow (France). Surveys in Geophysics, 21 (4), 371-390.
- Descloitres M., Guérin R., Albouy Y., Tabbagh A., Ritz M., 2000. Improvement in TDEM sounding interpretation in presence of induced polarization. A case study in resistive rocks of the Fogo volcano, Cape Verde Islands. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 45 (1), 1-18.
- Schmutz M., Guérin R., Maquaire O., Descloitres M., Schott J.J., Albouy Y., 1999. Apport de l’association des méthodes TDEM (Time-Domain Electromagnetism) et électrique pour la connaissance de la structure du glissement-coulée de Super-Sauze (bassin de Barcelonnette, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France). Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, séries IIA, 328 (12), 797-800.
- Fainberg E.B., Andrieux P., Astapenko V.N., Guérin R., Zhdanov M.S., Singer B.Sh., Ingerov A.I., Lapitsky A.I., Vasil’eva T.A., 1998. Deep electromagnetic soundings in Belarus: Europrobe crustal soundings. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 34 (6), 486-495.
- Meheni Y., Guérin R., Benderitter Y., Tabbagh A., 1996. Subsurface DC resistivity mapping: approximate 1-D interpretation. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 34 (4), 255-270.
- Galibert P.Y., Guérin R., Andrieux P., 1996. Structural mapping in Bassin and Range like geology by E.M. methods: a powerful aid to seismic. Geophysical Prospecting, 44 (6), 1019-1040.
- Guérin R., Meheni Y., Rakotondrasoa G., Tabbagh A., 1996. Interpretation of slingram conductivity mapping in near-surface geophysics: using a single parameter fitting with 1D model. Geophysical Prospecting, 44 (2), 233-249.
- Fainberg E.B., Guérin R., Andrieux P., Poltaratskaya O.L., 1995. Dynamic correction of the amplitude curves of magnetotelluric sounding distorted by near-subsurface inhomogeneities. Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 31 (7), 574-579.
- Guérin R., Benderitter Y., 1995. Shallow karst network exploration using MT-VLF and DC resistivity methods. Geophysical Prospecting, 43 (5), 635-653.
- Guérin R., Tabbagh A., Benderitter Y., Andrieux P., 1994. Invariants for correcting field polarisation effect in MT-VLF resistivity mapping. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 32 (4), 375-383.
- Guérin R., Tabbagh A., Andrieux P., 1994. Field and/or resistivity mapping in MT-VLF and implications for data processing. Geophysics, 59 (11), 1695-1712.
- Tabbagh A., Benderitter Y., Andrieux P., Decriaud J.P., Guérin R., 1991. VLF resistivity mapping and verticalization of the electric field. Geophysical Prospecting, 39 (8), 1083-1097.
Ouvrages individuels et collectifs
- Guérin R., Chalikakis K., 2015. Les outils pour détecter les ressources hydrologiques. Eau à découvert (co-dirigé par A. Euzen, C. Jeandel et R. Mosseri), chapitre III.28, éditions CNRS, 148-149.
- Dörfliger N., Crochet P., ;Guérin R., Jozja N. Marseaud B., Mondain P.H., Muet P., Plagnes V., 2010. Les outils de l’hydrogéologie karstique pour la caractérisation de la structure et du fonctionnement des systèmes karstiques et l’évaluation de leur ressource. Guide méthodologique ONEMA-BRGM, RP-58237-FR, 246 p.
- Petit C., Berti L., Camerlynck C., Durlet C., Gauthier E., Guérin R., Richard H., Wahlen P., 2005. Approche géoarchéologique de la vallée de la Laigne. Occupation et gestion des plaines alluviales de l’âge du Fer à l’époque gallo-romaine, 976 (Annales Littéraires, 786, série « Environnement, sociétés et archéologie », 8), Actes de la table-ronde de Molesme, 17-18 septembre 1999, C. Petit (dir.), Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 23-40.
- Guérin R., 2004. Contribution à l’hydrogéophysique. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) en Sciences de la Terre, soutenue le 23 novembre à l’UPMC, 261 p.
- Guérin R., 1992. Du traitement spatial des données électromagnétiques dans un champ primaire quasi-uniforme - Application à la méthode magnétotellurique, à la MT-VLF et au courant continu. Doctorat de l’UPMC en Sciences de la Terre, soutenu le 7 juillet, 239 p.
Articles dans des revues nationales à comité de lecture
- Schamper C., Champollion C., Dumont M., Dangeard M., Finco C., Jougnot D., Bodet L., Rejiba F., Guérin R., Longuevergne L., 2019. Les méthodes hydro-géophysiques d’aujourd’hui et demain. Géologues, 202, 49-61.
- Vella M.-A., Sejas S., Lucero Mamani K., Rodríguez L.A., Bello Gómez R., Rivera Casanovas C., Menacho Céspedes J., Argollo J., Guédron S., Brisset E., Bièvre G., Sanchez C., Thiesson J., Guérin R., Escobar K., Ortuño T., Núñez-Regueiro P., 2018. La misión franco-boliviana «Paleoambiente y Arqueología del río Guaquira-Tiwanaku (Bolivia)»: un estudio multidisciplinario de las interacciones entre las sociedades antiguas y el medioambiente. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines, 47 (2), 169-193.
- El Kiram N. Kchikach A., Jaffal M., Pena J.A., Teixido T., Guérin R., Yazami O.K., Jourani E.S., 2017. Les déerangements de la série phosphatée dans le district minier de Khourigba (Maroc) : une esquisse de leur origine et de leurs méthodes de cartographie sous couverture quaternaire. Géologues, 194, 54-62.
- Ortega A.I., Bermejo L., Guérin R., Benito-Calvo A., Parés J.M., Pérez-González A., Aracil E., Martín Merino M.A., Bermúdez de Castro J.M., Carbonell E., 2016. Identificación de conductos kársticos en los yacimientos de Galería y Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos) mediante imágenes 2D y 3D de Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica (ERT). Cubía, 20, 38-43.
- Bermejo L., Ortega A.I., Guérin R., Benito-Calvo A., Parés J.M., Martín M.A., Aracil E., Maruri U., Porres J.A., 2016. Electrical resistivity imaging survey around the caves of the Ojo Guareña Karst complex (Merindad de Satoscueva, Burgos, Spain). The Three Dimensions of Archaeology, Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress, Volume 7/Sessions A4b and A12, edited by Kamermans H., de Neef W., Piccoli C., Posluschny A.G., Scopigno R., 141-150.
- Pasquet S., Bodet L., Vitale Q., Rejiba F., Guérin R., Mourgues R., Tournat V., 2015. Laser-Doppler acoustic probing of granular media with varying water levels. Physics Procedia, 70, 799-802.
- Bermejo L., Ortega A.I., Guérin R., Parés J.M., Benito-Calvo A., Martín M.Á., Aracil E., Maruri U., Porres J.Á., 2014. Técnicas de prospección geofísica aplicadas a yacimientos kársticos: Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica (ERT) en el Karst de Ojo Guareña (Ojo Guareña, Merindad de Satoscueva, Burgos). Cubía, 18, 48-54.
- Tabbagh A., Guérin R., Flageul S., Bechkit M.A., 2012. Suivi de la teneur en eau et de l’infiltration à partir de mesures passives de la température du sol sur un profil. Bulletin du Groupe Francophone Humidimétrie et traNsferts en milieux poreux GFHN, 58, 86-92.
- Guérin R., 2012. La spécialité Sciences de la Terre de Polytech Paris-UPMC. Géologues, 172, 49-50.
- Vitale Q., Rejiba F., Guérin R., 2011. Conception d’une antenne radar très large bande pour la cartographie de la teneur en eau volumique des sols agricoles. Bulletin du Groupe Francophone Humidimétrie et traNsferts en milieux poreux GFHN, 57, 252-256.
- Valois R., Galibert P.Y., Guérin R., Plagnes V., Mendes M., 2011. Infiltration et stockage dans l´épikarst dolomitique du Causse du Larzac : suivi temporel par les méthodes électriques et sismiques. Bulletin du Groupe Francophone Humidimétrie et traNsferts en milieux poreux GFHN, 57, 215-218.
- Bermejo L., Guérin R., Canals A., 2010. Subsoil characterization by Electrical Resistivity Tomography around Rosières-la-Terre-des-Sablons site (Lunery, Region Centre, France). Annali dell’Università di Ferrara, Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 1-6.
- Rejiba F., Sagnard F., Schamper C., Froumentin M., Guérin R., 2010. Measuring the soil water content of a sandy soil with a frequency cross-hole radar: antenna design and experiments. PIERS Online, 6 (5), 411-414.
- Cousin I., Frison A., Giot G., Bourennane H., Guérin R., Richard G., 2009. Three-dimensional structure of a highly heterogeneous soil horizon derived by Electrical Resistivity Tomography. ArcheoSciences Revue d’Archéométrie, 33, 279-281.
- Valois R., Guérin R., Pigeaud R., Rodet J., 2009. Geophysical study to characterize input karst water circulation in the Saulges’s cave (Mayenne, France). ArcheoSciences Revue d’Archéométrie, 33, 163-166.
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