Séminaire du Professeur Fi-John Chang



Artificial Intelligence for Hydro-Environmental Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a state-of-the-art technology, which has been applied with success in various fields. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), a branch of AI, prove to effectively reflect the corresponding physical mechanisms when being applied to modeling various hydro-environmental issues. The construction of ANNs is mainly a data-driven process, the effectiveness and reliability of the constructed ANNs would mainly base on the qualitative and quality of the modeling data sets. When taking sustainable hydro-environmental management into consideration, it is essential to develop reliable and accurate models for predicting/estimating hydrological interactions, sediment concentration as well as water quality. Study cases with modelling schemes for demonstrating “artificial intelligence applied to hydro-environmental systems” will be presented.

Pr. Fi-John Chang
National Taiwan University
UMR Metis, salle Darcy
Wednesday, 1 October, 2014 - 13:00