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Aqui-FR : a national multimodel hydrogeologic system

The Aqui-FR project aims at providing monitoring and forecasts of the groundwater resource in France, as well as long term projections. To do so, the Aqui-FR project relies on existing hydrogeological applications.

Updated on June, 14th, 2018

Main objectives of the Aqui-FR project Logos of the partners


A presentation by Quentin Courtois on the development of a model dedicated to the hard rock aquifers during the international conference CMWR2018 in June 2018.


A presentation by Nicolas Roux on the Aqui-FR tool and its usage for real time monitoring and seasonal forecast during the international conference CMWR2018 in June 2018.

A presentation on the assessment of Aqui-FR by Jean-Pierre Vergnes during the international conference CMWR2018 in June 2018.

A short general presentation on Aqui-FR at METIS in May 2018 (in french)

A presentation from a seminar at the LHYGES in Strasbourg in January 2018 (in french)

A report on the simulation of hardrock aquifer by Quentin Courtois et al. Decembre 2017 (in french)

presentation during the meeting "encounter between end-users / scientits" organised by the french agency on biodiversity mid Novembre 2017 (in french)

the report at the end of the first stage (May 2017) 104p, in french

2ndsemestre 2016

  • The IAH meeting in Montpellier in septembre 2016: Oral presentation and poster
  • The IGEM in Paris in october 2016: Oral presentation
  • Presentation


    The AquiFR project aims at taking benefits of existing groundwater modeling applications used by stakeholders to develop new products in order to provide useful information for water resources management. Indeed, it aims at providing forecasts of the groundwater resources at from 15 days ahead upto seasonal scale.

    To do so, up to now 3 hydrogeological models (MARTHE from BRGM, MODCOU / Eau-dyssee from MINES ParisTech, and a conceptual model for the karstic aquifers GARDENIA) covering 8 multi-layers sedimentary aquifers and 10 karstic aquifers in France are included.

    Map of french aquifers already covered and to be covered within Aqui-FR
    Map of the french aquifers already covered and to be covered within Aqui-FR

    These applications were assembled within the coupling system OpenPalm facilitating the parallel computation and coupled to the SURFEX land surface model used in the French numerical weather model that provides the recharge.

    The whole system is expected to run operationally at the french weather service, Meteo France. To do so, a real time application will be run daily forced by an analysis of the observed atmospheric conditions. This real time simulation will then be able to provide initial conditions for the forecasts. Ensemble 10-day forecast will then be run daily, and seasonal forecasts will be run monthly. The monitoring and the forecast could be compared to the long term reanalysis of the groundwater that is being built by using an atmospheric reanalysis beginning in 1958.

    The different temporal scales of the Aqui-FR applications
    The different temporal scales of the Aqui-FR applications: Historical analysis (from 1958 to nowadays, real time monitoring, 10-day forecast, seasonal forecast and climate projections

    In a way, Aqui-Fr should be an improvment of the SIM (Safran/Isba/MODCOU) hydrometorologic system that is currently used at Meteo-France.

    Progress report

    Since july 2016, 8 applications from MODCOU/Eau-dyssée, 5 applications from Marthe et 6 karstics applications from GARDENIA are included in Aqui-FR.

     Exstension du projet Aqui-FR en Juillet 2016
    Extension of the hydrogeological layers included in Aqui-Fr in July 2016.

    All these applications are running simulteanously and are using the water fluxes computed by the Surfex land surface model.

    The Aqui-FR system is built on the dynamic coupling system openPALM. The scheme below shows the OpenPALM structure of Aqui-FR: each model has its own branch that runs in parallel ( Gardenia in green, Marthe in blue and Eau-dyssée in brown). The 3 hydrological models are connected to a water balance module that provides the water flux estimated by Surfex. Then the results are transmitted to a module (in dark green) that collect the data and will allow some retroaction with the soil moisture.

     Structure of the Open Palm application of Aqui-FR
    Structure of the Open Palm application of Aqui-FR

    Some results

    Althoug the full post-processing of Aqui-FR is still being developped, some preliminary results are presented to illustrate some possible outputs.

     Charge piezometrique
    Map of the piezometric head simulated on January 22, 2001 on the overlaying layers of Aqui-FR, together with the position of the piezometric wells in northen France.

    map of the piezometric head
    Map of the evolution of the piezometric head on the overlaying aquifer layers between high level and mean annual value.
     Comparaison de charges piezometriques simulees et observees
    Comparison between observations and simulations for two wells, on the Marne Loing application on the left, and on the Somme basin on the right. Observations are in black, models are in blue.
     Animation presentant l'evolution temporelle des stocks en eau souterrain sur le bassin de la Seine
    Animation presenting the evolution of the piezometric head on the chalk layer of the Seine basin compare to is mean value between 1999 and 2003 (the chalk is partly confined)


    Reports (so far, all in french): :

    2017 :

    Plateforme de modélisation hydrogéologique nationale Aqui-FR. (2017) Habets F., Amraoui N. Caballero Y., Thiéry D., Vergnes J.P., T. Morel, P. Le Moigne, N. Roux J-R de Dreuzy, L. Longuevergne, Ackerer P., Fadji Maina, B., Besson, P., Etcherces F. Regimbeau, et P. Viennot rapport de fin de 1ere phase, Mai 2017, 104p

    2015 :

    Presentations (in english)

    Presentation (in french)

    Presentation during the meeting "encounter between end-users / scientits" organised by the French Agency on Biodiversity (AFB) mid Novembre 2017 (in french)