Actualités et séminaires

  • 29 sep Séminaire

    Fine natural sediments like clay particles are transported in rivers and deposited in riverbeds. Historically, these particles are considered wash-load, i.e., passive material that travels in suspension, having little to no interaction with other river processes. However, river water enters the porous beds, bringing with it those fine particles that are filtrated and immobilized in the riverbed. Over time, they accumulate and clog the riverbed voids, dramatically attenuating hyporheic exchange and diminishing the connection between surface and groundwater.

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  • 20 sep Actualité

    Titre : Rôle de l'ichtyofaune comme vecteur de dissémination de bactéries antibiorésistantes dans une rivière fortement urbanée du bassin de la Seine

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  • 23 juin Séminaire

    The detection of metallic particles in the subsurface, e.g. for ore exploration or investigation of landfills, has been an important field in applied geophysics for several decades. Because of the high conductivity and high polarizability of metallic particles, geophysical methods using electrical properties, especially induced polarization, are highly relevant.

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  • 16 juin Séminaire

    Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers are a class of lipid biomarkers that in recent decades have been show to act as paleoclimate indicators in lake sediment. New research and recent methodological advances have shown that the 5’ methyl branched tetraether index (MBT5’­­Me ) correlates well with temperature, however its use as a paleoclimate marker requires the development of calibration estimates for the areas under investigation.

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  • 02 juin Séminaire

    Le résumé de ma mission d'un an sur l'île Amsterdam en 20 questions

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